WebbIRC for http://irocz.info.se/

1.) Ser du ett X betyder det att du inte har Java installerat.
1.) Detta finns att h�mta gratis h�r >> Java

2.) N�r du anslutit till servern s� kommer du att se #Camaro.

3.) D� �r det dags att anv�nda kommando /nick [ditt nick]
3.) ( exempel /nick Dan )
3.) �r ditt nick/namn ledigt s� kommer det att st�-
3.) *** irocz?? is now known as [ditt nick]

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1.) If you see a X that is why you dosent have Java Installed.
1.) Get the latest Java version from here >> Java

2.) When you have connected to the server you will see #Camaro.

3.) Then its time for the command /nick [youre nick]
3.) ( example /nick Dan )
3.) Is youre nick free/avaible it will say-
3.) *** irocz?? is now known as [youre nick]

On the right side you find WebbIRC (opens in a new window)


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